Català de Valleriola’s (1568-1608) memory in the bibliography from XVIth to XXth century
Original title: La memòria de Català de Valleriola (1568-1608) en la bibliografia del segle XVI al XX
Published in
Keywords: 16th Century, Catalan Literature, Català de Valeriola, Diaries, Memorialistic, Valencia.
This paper provides a general view of the memory which the subsequent bibliographers left about Bernat Català de Valleriola in their works from the XVIth to the XXth.
Crime and punishment: criminality in medieval Valencia in fifteenth century
Original title: Crim i càstig: la criminalitat a la València medieval al segle XV
Published in
Keywords: Criminality, Crown of Aragon, Middle Ages, Valencia, XVth century.
Violence and justice has been present during the history at most of societies. During the Middle Age exists different behaviours that alter the order and social peace, and to face up to it, the municipal government were activated different legal mechanisms to reply that transgressive attitudes. Our criminality study in Valencia during the XV century allow us to exemplify the most habitual criminal cases that medieval justices condemn in form of punishment: economic, physical or both. The frequency with which Valencia’s city habitants report the different violent abuses allows us to know which crime and felonies were produced with more periodicity in the kingdom’s capital. In this article we will show the crime which were produced in the city of Valencia and which methods were used to eradicate these behaviours.
Critical Edition and Analysis of La vida de sanct Honofre (The Life of Saint Onofre), Published in Valencia at the Beginning of the 16th Century
Original title: Edició filològica i breu comentari de La vida de sanct Honofre, publicada a València a principis del segle XVI
Published in
Keywords: 14th-16th c., Catalan Literature, Edition, Life of Saint Onofre, Valencia.
This article provides a study and philological edition of the Vida de sanc Honofre based on the 16th-c. princeps text. Although there exist previous modern editions of this work, none of them offers a critical text nor have been adequately disseminated for a wider audience. The introductory study analyses the date of composition of this work, its literary sources, and its process of composition.
Edition and Study of the Relationship of the Feast of Saint Thomas (1656), by Josep Aragonés
Original title: Edició i Estudi de la Relació de la Festa de Sant Tomàs (1656), de Josep Aragonés
Published in
Keywords: Catalan literature, Memorial, Modern Age, Relation, Valencia.
This article presents the study and regularized spelling edition of Relació de la Festa de Sant Tomàs written by the Valencian notary Josep Aragonés in 1656. This, is our intention to make an approximation to its author and to the text. Finally, we offer the edition of the aforementioned relation, using the criterion of regularized spelling, since the original has not been preserved, but we must start whit an edition made at beginning of the 20th century. Our purpose is to present this edition as one more step in the process of recovering texts in Catalan during the modern age.
In fine: the last day of the livings in medieval Valencia (1390-1437)
Original title: In fine: el último día de los vivos en la Valencia medieval (1390-1437)
Published in
Keywords: Burial, Death, Nobility, Valencia, XVth century.
In this paper we analyse the conceptions about death and the rituals that mark the end of life in the society of the Late Middle Ages, especially among the nobility and high bourgeoisie, which are the group in that we can best ascertain these practices, taking the example of the city of Valencia, an observation point of great trustworthiness to study the whole West; that shows us that attitudes towards death face the social, political and religious changes that took place at the end of the Middle Ages.
Lletraferides in the convent, a female writing in the 16th century
Original title: Lletraferides als convents, una escriptura femenina al segle XVI
Published in
Keywords: 16th century, Catalan literary canon, Gender perspective, Jerónima d'Aragó, Lletraferides, Valencia, Women creators.
This article analyzes the importance of the «lletraferides» in the Catalan literary canon. This research goes deep into making visible the production of these women who directly or indirectly intervened in the literary praxis. Recognizing these leading figures is essential to be able to better understand society at that time and the literary fact. To unmask the literary praxis developed by these religious women, the inclusion of the gender perspective becomes apparent, since this methodology seems to echo the feminine literary fact despised by patriarchal normalization. Among these «lletraferides» we will emphasize Jerònima d’Aragó, since she is the promoter of the first version in the Iberian Peninsula to the Tractat dels diàlogos de la seràfica Caterina de Sena. The relevance of the holy Sienese throughout Europe is fundamental to the new way of understanding spirituality.
Nicolau Primitiu and the Interest on the Cultural Legacy of the Kingdom of Valencia
Original title: Nicolau Primitiu i l’interés pel llegat cultural del Regne de València
Published in
Keywords: 20th c., Nacionalism, National renaissance, Nicolau Primitiu, Valencia.
This article is devoted to the analysis of Nicolau Primitiu-Gómez-Serrano’s works (1878-1971) devoted to reivindicate the dignity of Valencian culture, such as essays, personal memories), and poems. The article offers an overview of his thought based on the analysis of his works devoted to medieval culture. Quotes from his works allow the reader to get a taste of the author’s genuine Valencian, full of medieval nuances both in its morphology and vocabulary.
On the teaching will in the work of Isabel de Villena
Original title: Sobre la voluntad didáctica en la obra de sor Isabel de Villena
Published in Isabel de Villena (1430-1490)
Keywords: 15th century, Isabel de Villena, Medieval catalan literature, Teaching, Valencia, Vita Christi.
The Vita Christi of Isabel de Villena is an excepcional work. She wanted to give live models to her sisters of religion, and that is why the role of the female protagonists of the life of Christ gain relief in the pages of his work. This article emphasizes the teaching of the abbess of the Trinitat present in this book and in other works known and now lost.
Regarding about Dietari from Català de Valeriola (1568-1608)
Original title: A propòsit del Dietari de Català de Valeriola (1568-1608)
Published in
Keywords: Catalan Literature, Català de Valeriola, Diaries, Memorialistic, Sixteenth century, Valencia.
This paper provides a general overview of one of the figures of sixteenth century Valencian literature, Bernat Català de Valeriola, and his lesser well-known diary, one of the best examples of the Valencian memorialistic works of that period.
The image of the nobility, according to Rafael Martí de Viciana (16th century): from the medieval past to the imperial project
Original title: La imagen de la nobleza, según Rafael Martí de Viciana (s. XVI): del pasado medieval al proyecto imperial
Published in Aristocracy and nobility in the Ancient and Medieval World
Keywords: 16th Hispanic century, Historiography, Nobility, Spanish Empire, Valencia, political ideology.
The present paper makes an analysis of the concept of "nobility" throughout the work of the notary and valencian noble Rafael Martí de Viciana (1502-1582). Across his writings we can see clearly how Viciana, on the paper, combined the ancient and medieval origins of the local nobility with the privileges given by the crown in more recent times, to incorporate the nobles of his time to the new imperial project Carlos V for the Hispanic monarchy.