In fine: the last day of the livings in medieval Valencia (1390-1437)
In fine: el último día de los vivos en la Valencia medieval (1390-1437)
Published in Life and Thought, Religiosity and Conflict, Pleasure and Crime on Both Sides of the Mediterranean (the Crown of Aragon and Acre)
Keywords: Burial, Death, Nobility, Valencia, XVth century.
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In this paper we analyse the conceptions about death and the rituals that mark the end of life in the society of the Late Middle Ages, especially among the nobility and high bourgeoisie, which are the group in that we can best ascertain these practices, taking the example of the city of Valencia, an observation point of great trustworthiness to study the whole West; that shows us that attitudes towards death face the social, political and religious changes that took place at the end of the Middle Ages.