Original title: Presentación
Special Issue
Religious formulae with prophylactic purposes within the Andalusi context
Original title: Fórmulas religiosas con finalidad profiláctica en el contexto andalusí
Keywords: Epigraphy, Islam, Magic, Religion, Talisman.
This article presents a group of metal artifacts, which are usually classified as talismans. In these artifacts we can read epigraphic engraved legends that are related to Koran and other Islamic religious formula. This fact displays the close relationship existing between magic and religion as parts of a cosmology concerning the belief in a supernatural world. This relationship is avoided or denied by the Orthodox Establishment, although it is spread among Al-Andalus population.
Arabic inscriptions of the Andalusi period in ceramics found in Elda, Alicante
Original title: Inscripciones árabes andalusíes aparecidas en cerámicas de Elda, Alicante
Keywords: Arabic inscriptions, Ceramics, Islam, Šarq al-Andalus.
The intention of the authors is to offer a study of the inscriptions in Arab(Arabic) of epoch almohade (centuries XII-XIII) and Spanish Muslim living under Christian rule (centuries XIV-XV) of the ceramic remains found in Elda (Alicante).
Representations of the ideal city in the imaginary of the medieval Islam
Original title: Representaciones de la ciudad ideal en el imaginario del islam medieval
Keywords: Al-Fārābī, Ibn Rušd, Islamic cities, Koran.
Analysis of the concept and the place of cities in the Islamic cultural sphere, starting with the analysis of city as it’s mentioned in the Quran, as the place where humans live in a society, generally corrupt, followed by several mentions of legendary cities cited in the literature, and finishing with the mention of ideals of city elaborated by Islamic philosophers (Ibn Rušd, Al-Fārābī, etc.).
The Nasrid Grenade and the last intellectual contact with the outside preserved: The questions of al-Mawwāq (d. 897 H/1492 C.E.)
Youness M’hir EL KOUBAA
Original title: La Granada nazarí y el último contacto intelectual con el exterior conservado: las preguntas de al-Mawwāq (m. 897 H./1492 e.C.)
Keywords: Al-Mawwāq questions, Al-Raṣṣā' answers, Ağwiba, Nasrid Kingdom of Grenade, Tunisia.
In this paper it is studied the content of the legal questions the Grenadian al-Mawwāq (d. 897 H./1492 C.E.) sent to the Tunisian al-Raṣṣā' (d. 894/1489) a few decades before the fall of the Nasrid Kingdom. It is described also the historic situations that surround them, and the life of the protagonists of this contact and the book in which all those question was collected in the last quarter of the 15th century, among other aspects.
Abū l-Ḥasan al-Šuštarī, much more than a Sufi poet
Abdelkrim BEN-NAS
Original title: Abū l-Ḥasan al-Šuštarī, mucho más que un poeta sufí
Keywords: Al-Šuštarī, Grenadian Sufis, Sufi mystical poets, Sufism history, Sufism in al-Andalus.
Al-Šuštarī, inhabitant of Granada, is one of the most influential Sufis along the history of Sufism. He was the first one including the zağal in the Sufi poetry. His stanzas are still being recited in spiritual dances all around the muslin world. His fame as a poet overshadows other aspects of his personality that we consider interesting to be inquired.
Considerations around the translation of the Chronicle of Jaume I into Arabic language
Original title: Considérations autour de la traduction de la Chronique de Jaume I à l’arabe
Keywords: Chronique de Jaume I, Chroniques catalanes médiévales, Llibre dels Feyts, Terminologie catalane médiévale, Traduction de l’arabe, Traductologie.
Explication du processus de traduction du catalan à l'arabe de la Chronique de Jaume I, ou Llibre dels Feyts. Une attention particulière est donnée à certains termes polysémiques ou de difficile traduction; ils sont répertoriés et on explique comment ils ont été traduits.
The Archives of the Crown of Aragon, philological treasure for the juridical linguistic studies
Original title: Les Archives de la Couronne d’Aragon, trésor philologique à exploiter par l’approche linguistique juridique
Keywords: Archives, Legal, Linguistics, Methodology, Research.
The Aragon Crown Archives gather historical documentary resources that constitute excellent corpus for legal linguistics research. We will strengthen this statement by showing, on the one hand, the methodology to follow in order to unearth singular collections and, on the other hand, by demonstrating why these Archive’s historical documentary resources are a clear referent for linguistics approach.
The Kingdom of Valence as a myth in the Moors’ Romances of the Philippines
Original title: El Regne de València, un mite dins els Romanços de moros de les Filipines
Keywords: Al-Andalus, Asia, Kingdom of Valencia, Moors’ Romances, Philippine Literature.
This work analyzes the development of Philippine Metrical Romances and its Hispanic influences in both theatre («Moros y Cristianos») and epics (Books of Chivalry) in tracing the materialization of the Exotic. Specifically, it will focus on how an exotic topic like the Kingdom of Valencia is presented, recollecting the sources, characters and features along the Philippine corpus. At the end, the purpose will be to trace the literary elegy for the fall of Valencia from the Orient of al-Andalus to the Orient of Asia.