Buona e leale, esprovata e quieta: Aspects of feminine image in political-pedagogic literature at XIII Century. The treaty of De Regimine Principum from Giles of Rome
Fátima Regina FERNANDES, Eliane Veríssimo de SANTANA
Original title: Buona e leale, esprovata e quieta: Aspectos da imagem feminina na literatura pedagógico-política no século XIII. O tratado De Regimine Principum de Egídio Romano
Published in Mulier aut Femina. Idealism or reality of women in the Middle Ages
Keywords: Castity, Feminine, Giles of Rome, Pedagogical treaties, Temperance.
The aim of this text is to analyse that the theorist Giles of Rome (1243/47-1316) constructs of the femenine in his pedagogical treaty De Regimine Principum (1277-81) for the instruction of Philip IV of France (1268-1314). Although this is a speculum that aims the royal education, Giles dedicates the First Part of the Second book for the formulation of an ideal model of women. Author of Aristotelianism-tomist influence, he considers the man, full of knowledge, natural lord of woman. The feminine image is built based on marriage, procriation, loyalty, castity and temperance.
The medieval feminine writing: mystic, passion and transgression
Maria Simone Marinho NOGUEIRA
Original title: A escrita feminina medieval: mística, paixão e transgressão
Published in Mulier aut Femina. Idealism or reality of women in the Middle Ages
Keywords: Feminine, Mystic, Passion, Transgression., Writing.
In this paper, we try to present some of the medieval feminine mystic, concentrating mainly on the thought of Marguerite Porete. Among other things, our intention is to show that the studied women had a strong literary culture, and also that their works oscilate between transgression and passion.