Català de Valleriola’s (1568-1608) memory in the bibliography from XVIth to XXth century
Original title: La memòria de Català de Valleriola (1568-1608) en la bibliografia del segle XVI al XX
Published in
Keywords: 16th Century, Catalan Literature, Català de Valeriola, Diaries, Memorialistic, Valencia.
This paper provides a general view of the memory which the subsequent bibliographers left about Bernat Català de Valleriola in their works from the XVIth to the XXth.
Language and nation in Nicolau Primitiu Gómez Serrano’s Varia I (1934-1935) Diary
Original title: Llengua i nació en el Dietari Varia I (1934-1935) de Nicolau Primitiu Gómez Serrano
Published in
Keywords: 20th century, Diaries, Nacionalism, Nicolau Primitiu.
The article aims to analyze the national question in the work of Nicolau Primitiu Gómez Serrano, specifically in the diary Varia I (1934-1935), that presents some recurring themes in the other volumes, including the writings of patriotic vindication in which raises the kind of nationalism suitable for Valencia, as well as its limits and its Language, whose origin and name also arouses his interest, as these pages show.
Nicolau Primitiu and his presidency in lo rat penat and proa. A personal story (1933-1935)
Original title: Nicolau Primitiu i llur presidència a lo rat penat i proa. Un relat personal (1933-1935)
Published in
Keywords: Diaries, Lo Rat Penat, Nicolau Primitiu, Proa, XXth Century.
This article aims to find, within the cultural and social context of the decade of the 30's, the ideal model of valencianist institution for the bibliòfil Nicolau Primitivo Gómez Serrano based on his diaries, specifically Dietari (1932- 1934) and Varia I (1934-1935), that coincide with his presidency in organizations such as Lo Rat Penat and Proa during the Second Spanish Republic, a period of Valencianist effervescence. The pages offer a new perspective, more personal and less “institutional” of the cultural history of the Valencian country, and more specifically, the events happened in the world of Valencianism and their institutions.
Regarding about Dietari from Català de Valeriola (1568-1608)
Original title: A propòsit del Dietari de Català de Valeriola (1568-1608)
Published in
Keywords: Catalan Literature, Català de Valeriola, Diaries, Memorialistic, Sixteenth century, Valencia.
This paper provides a general overview of one of the figures of sixteenth century Valencian literature, Bernat Català de Valeriola, and his lesser well-known diary, one of the best examples of the Valencian memorialistic works of that period.
The marriage of Bernat Català de Valleriola: from prison to legitimacy
Original title: El matrimoni de Bernat Català de Valleriola: de la presó a la legitimitat
Published in
Keywords: 16th Century, Catalan Literature, Català de Valeriola, Diaries, Memorialistic, Valencia.
This paper provides a general view of the process involving the marriage of Bernat Català de Valleriola (1568-1607) with Constança Rabassa de Perellós, against the will of his father-in-law Gener Rabassa de Perellós. The process was reflected not only by Valleriola’s diary but also by subsequent lawsuits.
The memory of the plagues in the ancient Kingdom of Valencia: from the marginal note to the centrality (15th-17th century)
Vicent Josep ESCARTÍ
Original title: La memòria de les pestes a l’antic Regne de València: de la nota marginal a la centralitat (s. XV-XVII)
Published in
Keywords: Bertomeu Ribelles, Diaries, Francesc Gavaldà, News, Plague, Vicent Arcaina.
This article takes a look at the Valencian memorial literature that contains information on the different waves of plague, from the 14th to the 17th century. The plague goes from being a “marginal” to a "central" theme. It moved from brief annotations to specific narration, with works such as those by Francesc Gavaldà and Vicent Arcaina. Bartomeu Ribelles, at the end of the 18th century, was the first to make a study of epidemics in Valencia.