José Pedro LUCHI, Helio Pedro Pretti PERIM
The Christ and the History: a dialectical perspective of the Christological quarrels
O Cristo e a História: uma perspectiva dialética das querelas cristológicas
Published in Art, Criticism and Mysticism
Keywords: Keywords: Christology, Councils, Dialectic, Incarnation, Katabasis.
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This research atempts to trace the progress of the historical and theological comprehension of the Person of Christ by exposing the positions risen before Nicea, as well as those developed during the first four ecumenic councils, in order to investigate the competence of the formulae throughout achieved. Two major works will be of aid to this quest, namely The Ecumenical Councils, by the historian Hubert Jedin, and The Incarnation of Christ, by the philosopher and theologian Hans Küng, which assumes the dinamics of the Hegelian dialect all along his work. The concepts of katabasis and anabasis, both borrowed from the mythological analysis tradition, will be summoned to the actual research and resignified by their new usage in the Judaeo-Christian theodissey. Concepts whose meanings are broadly urdestood in the Christian context like kenosis, incarnation and humanization will also be utilized. The research will climax in the Council of Chalcedon, the one in which the ultimate definition of Christ’s nature was arranged. It’s formula is crucial to understand the relationship between Jesus, God and man in the subsequent medieval thought.