José Carlos Rios CAMACHO
A comparative Anthropology and traditional music of the Berber and galician-portuguese peoples. A cultural approach between the West, PreIslam and north African Islam
Antropologia comparada e música tradicional dos povos berbere e galego-português. Um achegamento cultural entre o Ocidente, o Pré- Islão e o Islão norteafricano
Published in Relations between History and Literature in Ancient and Medieval World
Keywords: Keywords: Anthropology, Berber, Galician-Portuguese, Music, Myths.
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The intentions and the short account of this anthropologic preliminary essay are the result of our work about some directs observations of the social and cultural-musical realities at the Moroccan Rif in the second semester of the 1990 year. At the same time, we attempt to give some general notes about the Ancient-Medieval History, literature (the legends and myths) and the cultures of the Berber and Galician-Portuguese peoples, based in a vast Atlantic culture which will spread out the entire quadrant from Galicia-Ireland-Britain to the north-African Rif.